1. Compare Change of Annual Average Temperature
Annual average temperature is +0.6435°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
Annual maximum temperature is +0.641°C higher in Seonbong than Seogwipo.
Annual minimum temperature is +1.818°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
2. Compare the Gap
Annual average temperature is +0.59921°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
Annual maximum temperature is +0.40432°C higher in Seonbong than Seogwipo.
Annual minimum temperature is +1.7596°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
3. Compare Change of Seasonal Temperature
Analyzed Trend is +0.193942°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
The gap of seasonal average temperature is +0.67572°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
Analyzed Trend is +0.76232°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
The gap of seasonal average temperature is +0.33064°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
Analyzed Trend is +0.298889°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
The gap of seasonal average temperature is +0.79043°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
Analyzed Trend is +0.220428°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
The gap of seasonal average temperature is +0.545597°C higher in Seogwipo than Seonbong.
4. Monthly Average Temperature 1973~2018

The fluctuations that show the change of these data are not Large.
5. Compare the average of monthly average temperature for 46years with the climate

Two data are so Similar.

6. Compare the each Seogwipo&Seonbong average data for 46years

The temperature difference was expected to occur due to the difference in latitude, so it was expected to be similar regardless of month. However, the difference between the two appeared as shown in the graph and it shows that the monthly difference in winter was greater than in summer. To determine whether this is not just a latitude’s difference but also a different cause or simply a characteristic of this location(Korea peninsula), analyzing of the temperature difference between Yancheng and Tieling in China, which has similar latitudes with Seogwipo and Seonbong.


Yencheng's summer average temperature: 28
Yencheng's winter average temperature: 2
Tieling's summer average temperature:24.5
Tieling's winter average temperature: -12.5
Yencheng-Tieling (Summer average temperature): 3.5
Yencheng-Tieling (Winter average temperature): 14.5
Like Seogwipo and Seonbong, there is a small temperature difference in summer and a large temperature difference in winter.
Seonbong(North Korea) is connected to the continent. So the annual range is larger in Seonbong than Seogwipo. Because of continent's small specific heat , the continent heats up and cools quickly compared to the ocean. Therefore, the region affected by the continent is severely affected by cold weather.
In winter, North Korea cold current only flows southward to the southern part of Gangwon. Seonbong's winter temperature drops because it is affected by the North Korea cold current. But Seogwipo is not affected by the North Korea current. Thus, the effect that temperature drops caused by North Korea cold current doesn't show in Seogwipo.